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Riding a New Wave To Success


Mr. Stevenson has developed this program to facilitate the Strategic Planning process. This program enables the organization to get a handle on what it is doing right, where it can improve, and what must be done to reach the goals being set. Some of the greatest experts for any business are their own people. Utilizing various aspects of dynamic interaction, Mr. Stevenson will take full advantage of the brainpower sitting in the room. With Robert as the catalyst driving the audience, everyone will get involved and in no time be combining their collective brilliance to accomplish far more than previously thought possible. This training session will show participants how to involve their own associates or subordinates in obtaining the best possible solutions for problems and issues they face.

Participants will learn how to dig deep to find what needs improvement and learn how to produce a prioritized strategic action plan intended to improve the organization and better prepare it for today's ever changing environment. Depending on time constraints this program can also give a detailed account of what is going right, and what needs improvement along with having the group produce a prioritized strategic action plan intended to improve the organization and better prepare it for today's highly competitive and ever changing environment. This seminar will prove to be one of the best allocations of corporate resources ever authorized.


    Human resources are a company's most valuable asset

    Collective problem identification can be very productive

    Empowering employees results in more energized ideas

    Involving your people in the problem solving process is the most efficient way to produce multiple workable solutions

    An established Focused Action Plan aligns the organization towards common goals


    Establish open, candid communication between team members

    Have all team members addressing critical issues

    Understand that each issue will result in written responses from each team

    Share written responses with the entire audience

    Get everyone involved, making it fun while creating a contagious level of high energy

    Empower individuals to take action

    Understand that with each new issue there will be... more interaction, new responses and a new team member addressing the audience
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