Consider This

Robert Stevenson’s Thoughts on the Pursuit of Excellence

Rules are Hard to Eliminate

January 27, 2020

by Robert Stevenson

Why are some rules, polices, procedures or business practices that are obsolete or dead, still being followed? Researchers have found that once a “RULE” is written down and used in a company, it is very difficult to be eliminated … even though the original reason(s) for it being created has disappeared. The “RULE” becomes the LAW, not to be challenged by anyone. It seems that employees who challenge or question rules are seen as troublemakers or agitators, who are viewed negatively by senior management. That type of business culture will eventually devastate any company.

Stop Recurring Problems

January 11, 2020

by Robert Stevenson

Some of the biggest challenges with companies today are “RECURRING PROBLEMS”. I’m talking about situations, hassles, and mistakes which happen over and over again that never get resolved. These occurrences are worse when they happen to customers, because if they happen once too often, customers will quit doing business with you. Consider what “RECURRING PROBLEMS” do to employees; frustration sets in, morale plummets as well as productivity and profits.

It’s Never Easy - But It’s Worth It

January 4, 2020

by Robert Stevenson

Once upon a time the newspaper industry was one of the largest employers in America. No more. At its peak (1990) in the United States, the newspaper industry employed 457,800. Today that number has almost totally evaporated. Now only 38,000 are employed in that industry. New research shows that over 2,000 newspapers have closed in the last 15 years. Circulation of daily newspapers has dropped to a 77-year low, signaling an end to print and a shift to all-digital delivery.

Always be Convenient

January 20, 2019

by Robert Stevenson

The day you forget you are in business for the customer is the day you start going out of business. Smart companies try to do everything they can to make things simple, easy, and convenient for their customers.

What Keeps Them Coming Back?

January 6, 2019

by Robert Stevenson

In this time of heavy competition and global communication that instantly allows people to share their opinions world-wide with the click of a button, I would suggest it be PRIORITY #1 in any company to figure out what your customers want, need, desire and expect. Define how you want your company to be remembered through the “Eyes of Your Customer.” Make sure everyone in your company knows what that definition is and strives to do everything they can to make it happen.

It Costs a Lot to Lose an Employee

January 29, 2018

by Robert Stevenson

When a company loses an employee, they should do some serious soul searching as to why that person left. Why, you may be asking? Because, according to the Society for Human Resource Management, they have estimated that every time a business has to replace a salaried employee, it costs the company, on average, 6 to 9 months' salary. For a manager making $40,000 a year, that's $20,000 to $30,000 in recruiting and training expenses; that is a lot of money.

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